Frank McDaniel's musical journey spans over four decades, marked by unwavering dedication and passion. As a guitarist, bassist, and with distinctive and captivating vocal stylings, Frank specializes in 70s, 80s, […]
Southern Souls Trio Show
Back by popular demand. This very talented personality is ready to rock out again for your listening pleasure. Come on out 2-6
Frank McDaniel's musical journey spans over four decades, marked by unwavering dedication and passion. As a guitarist, bassist, and with distinctive and captivating vocal stylings, Frank specializes in 70s, 80s, […]
Mike Candler back by popular demand.
At first, ETC was a trio. Now we are a duo, but we still endeavor to play a variety of music to appeal to the eclectic taste of our fans. […]
At first, ETC was a trio. Now we are a duo, but we still endeavor to play a variety of music to appeal to the eclectic taste of our fans. […]
RobLee is a local musician in the Daytona area who has been playing venues for many years. His unique voice and acoustic guitar playing has been entertaining audiences in all […]
Mike Candler back by popular demand.
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